Thursday, October 8, 2009


I was outside and heard the geese going overhead. I looked up holding Madelyne and said "there are the geese. They are flying south for the winter." Then I started to look around at the beauty of the colors in all the surrounding trees. The yellows, oranges and deep reds. I then felt a funny feeling as I looked across to the spot where my Grandma's favorite tree still stands. The mighty copper beech. The Top leaves have been kissed and are turning the most glorious shade. This tree is probably 75 years old, at least. You see it is on the property of the home that my Grandfather was born in. I guess it has a doubly special meaning to me.
I had never in my life noticed that tree until I was out driving with my Grandma, I think we may have been going to vote on that day, She pointed it out to me. I will never not look at that tree without thinking of her.
I miss her so. I want to tell her everything and yet I will have to wait till we meet in heaven someday.
I try and remember things she just to say, "Take it Slow"
How life just whizzes right past you wit
hout you even blinking an eye. I wish I could just tell her one more time that I love her. I would wrap my arms around her and she would stroke my hair. I just miss her so. I just miss her so.
I have to laugh when I see this picture, I can hear her telling me "get out of here, Kid" chuckling. Can you see her smirking at me... "your a bad child" was probably the next thing to come out of her mouth to me. I had to take pictures, Grandma was finishing the blanket she made for her 11th great grandchild, Katelyn Jade.

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