I had this ridiculous idea that I should exercise....
I have never lost my Maddie baby weight fully..... (it has been 2 /12 years...) 10 pounds....
I guess when the guy in the hardware store called me chubby the other day that was all it took to push me to thinking I better get my rear in gear... put the pedal to the medal... nose to the ol' grindstone.... (you know the saying's)
So I grabbed the AB RIPPER X. dusted the 12 inches of dust off of it... Stared at it for a time... and got to work.
Well today I am crippled. Not even kidding I can barely walk. My husband is loving it. (he just loves to pick on my weakness)
Not sure how I will feel about 2 o'clock since that will be 24 hours since the tortuous event.
I think I'll ride my bike today. Yes a nice leisurely bike ride will do the mind, body and soul good... I think.
In other news, I am been crafting up a storm. Making these cool signs and a very neat canvas floor cloth. ( that has only been sitting there waiting to be finished for oh 3 years or so. I finally finished yesterday. Wish I had finished it sooner. I love it .
I will take pictures and post them tomorrow....
So I guess I am back. Happy reading.....