How can it be October already? It feels like it was just July and I was planning trips to the beach. Do the years seem to be going faster or is it just me? Well, life has been interesting lately. I have been doing plenty of photography for people. Sometimes it is good. Sometimes it feels like a waste of time, but I will keep at it.
I have been sewing a lot lately. I love when I get into that groove. It just feels like I can sit down at my machine and just let myself not think about anything life is throwing me. I also have been thinking so much about opening my own quilting/ fabric store. I have my sister convinced... she is in. All I have to do is sell the idea to my Mom and figure out how to pay for the whole thing. (only minor details) Does anyone out there know how to start up a small business for woman with grants and such? I know that they are out there I just don't know who to contact to figure it all out. Help I need somebody to help me......
We went to a quilt show this weekend. It was lovely. It is there every 2 years. Last time Maddie was a baby who I carried through the entire show. This time Maddie was a almost 3 year old..... ahhh
Mr. Time.... Why oh why can't you just stand still for a little. Anyway, I have been wanting to make a miniature quilt for some time now. I saw one that I fell in love with and bought the patterns and the fabric and went at it. There are appliqued butterflies and hand-stitching and I purchased all my favorite 30's reproduction fabric for it. So that is what I have been working on. I have only spent 1 day ripping out and redoing b/c I realized that I didn't have the 1/4 inch foot on and my seams were entirely tooo large. I guess I am maturing b/c a few years I may have just left it and kept sewing. (believe me I thought about it...) so I will post some photos when I am done. i am enjoying the process.
Well, I am off to get ready for the day. I am taking some portraits today and am very excited about it. I am praying it all goes well and she loves them. She is a very talented composer and they will be for her website.
Em had my camera and took this shot of me .... without my knowledge.
My favorite 30's repro
Amazing bra collections for breast cancer. This one was incredible.
Emily and Maddie looking at a swan in the river at the show....
I love the way Maddie is leaning on Emily's knee... a melt your heart moment for a Mom