About Me

Proverbs 13:31
She looks for wool and flax And works with her hands in delight.

Hi!  My name is Amy.
Welcome to The Little Beansprout.

I want to Love the Lord my God with all my Heart and Soul,
I want to be a good wife to my Husband &
I want to raise our 3 girls to be  kind, caring and put others needs before their own. 

I am a little old fashion. 
I want my main career in life to be a


Yup, I said it.

I love to sew, craft and I love taking pictures. 
(I am sure that comes from being the youngest
and never having any pictures from
childhood... )
I am outspoken and justice oriented.
(which drives my husband crazy)
& I am just a tiny bit competitive
and very hard on my self.

My Blog is a mix of Crafting, Creating and just being me.

Visit my Photography Blog

Amy Rehbein Photography

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