Monday, January 27, 2014


God brings you to places in your life that most of the time as christians we question. 
(seriously, why are we always questioning GOD? )
He puts us in situtations (perhaps uncomfortable ones) to lead us places.

About 3 years ago i walked into a brand new fabric store with a frappichinno in my hand
And one of the best friends i have ever had by my side. We walked in ( no children ) and it was glorious. I think the sky may have opened up and angels started to sing.
As we were walking around fondling fabric Jen's phone rang.
We had to leave the fabric store immediatly and run back to her apartment. Her refrigorator had broken and the landlord was replacing it, right then. We emptied the old frig and awaited a new one to load back up.
Anyway, after a while we did get to return to our glorious fabric shopping. I think we both purchashed some amazing amy butler on that trip and some heather bailey nicey jane. (i could be wrong)  this was my first visit to the store. Jen, moved away.... And i continued to go into this store, weekly. It was one of those places that you could just go and talk to like minded people. A community.  I got to know the owner Beth, and the lovely girls who worked their, Emma and Kourtney. They became friends. Anyhoooo, the reason i am telling you all this is because in 2012 some ladies wanted a place to have a Modern Guild to meet and beth very generously offered her store as a place for these meetings to happen once a month. Beth told me about it and i went. Now i will tell you something you may not know about me. I do not enjoy going places i dont know anyone. I feel awkard and uncomfortable and i just dont like it. If i have a friend with me irs a completely different story, but i did not know a soul. God placed me there to meet some incrediable ladies whom i have become very good friends with, some of them very close friemds with.
Exactly where i sat amoungst all the women there was exactly appointed by God. I did not know it but i was surronded by believers. I think it may have taken 6 months or so of getting to know them and realizing the woman 4 of us are christians. It has been lovely getting to know them.
Anyway, i just want to encourage you to do things that are out of our comfort zones. Good, amazing things are coming for me. Great things that i am so very excited to share with you.
Sometimes God pushes us in a direction thats uncomfortable. Go with it. You just might be able to look back 3 years later and see how God put in place amazing things just for you. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Dear 2014

Dear 2014,

I am praying that you are a better year then 2013. Don't get me wrong I did some amazing things I never thought that I could or would have been capable of, but I am happy you are over. There I said it.
I made a lot  of quilts this year. In fact in just the month of November I made 5.  I designed all of them and I was very very pleased to give them to some very very special people in my lives... I did keep one for the sofa.

We also began our homeschooling journey. (never ever in a million years did I think I would write that sentence) A Kindergartner and a Ninth Grader. It is Amazing and I am so Blessed that we followed where we felt God was leading us.

I watched our wonderful Lulu pass away. She was a wonderful fuzzy gentle love for almost 12 years of  my family. It was hard. We miss her. I miss her still.  We Welcomed 2 weeks ago into our family a new fuzzy boy. Buckrams Happy Happy Happy,but that is his formal name we just call him Wally. He is A LOT of work and I am looking forward to when he is a little more grown up and can really truly be part of the family. Although I love (almost) every moment with him..... especially when he is napping.

I watched our oldest daughter slipping away. It hurts. Its a heavy burden and I CAN NOT carry it on my own. I have to give it over to God and allow him to work in her life. Let me tell you, its not easy. We love her but like I have said before, God her heavenly Father loves her more and has a plan for her life. So thank you to all that have been keeping her lifted in prayer. Please continue to do so.

I also met some wonderful new good friends. And who would have thought I would meet a bunch of Christian girls in our quilt guild. WHAT a BLESSING. I can't even tell you. I really can't tell you. Its crazy how and where God places people in your life.

I was baptized this fall and we found a  church where I feel like I am truly being taught the word. So happy about that.

I am not going to make any resolutions but I am  going to try harder this year to be better at planning dinners .... and getting housework done. I want to blog more again,  I want to open up my etsy store and sell handmade quilts that I design. I also want to work on public speaking and I would also like to add to my list a showing of my photographs in a gallery..... (one can dream)  So my list isn't too big. Oh and I have to think of a word for this year. My word last year was Beloved.  I still need to focus on that word....

anyway, out with the old... in with new. (is that the saying)

Good bye 2013, I learned a lot about myself this year, this the last year of my third decade....  i pray that I can put all that I learned to good use. Helping others in their hard times.  that would make it all worth while.


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