Monday, November 7, 2011

creative genes

I have creative genes.... 

Yes, that's right. 

My Mom gave them to me. 

I passed them to my daughters. 

They are lovely. 

My Mom made this amazing quilt

for Maddie for her birthday. 

(She let me pick out the fabric in the summer )

Get ready to be amazed. 

Yup, told you amazing. 

and now 

look at what Sara, just whipped up in about 20 minutes for 
Maddie on her birthday. 

Seriously, how cute!!!!!! Maddie won't remove it from her head. 

She went through my stuff... 

" Mom,  can I use this  " 
"Mom , can I use your sewing machine"


and Maddie will not take this Repunzal dress off. 
Jump she has been wearing it since Friday. 

complete with Wand and Crown. 

and she keeps telling me she is a Princess when she wears this... 

( by the way.. this is the odd forced smile that she is doing now)
((what a goof))

linking up here. 



Elise said...

Oh my word...that quilt is adorable!! The crown is amazing, too!! And, I happen to really love your mantle!!

Jen said...

I can not believe that quilt! Well, actually, I can. Your mom is SUCH an amazing quilter! And look at Sara go! Tell her I would like to purchase one of those crown dealies for Aubrey's birthday, seriously, I would!
What an amazing family you have, especially that adorable Rapunzel:)

Jennifer said...

Beautiful quilt...

Unknown said...

That is by far the most amazing quilt I have ever seen!!!!

Contemplating Beauty said...

That's pretty awesome...oh, and your quilt isn't too bad either :)

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