Monday, January 25, 2010

Love Dare day 1

Well, as I sit to write this I am almost finished with Day one. It has taken me 4 days to do it. Man is it ever tough to break old habits. If anyone is new or has forgotten Day one's challenge I will remind you.
It says in the first sentence of this challenge that this Dare is fairy simple.. ( who was he kidding?) so basically you will choose to demonstrate patience and say nothing negative to your spouse at all. ( I am applying this to my children as well.) If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It is better to hold your tongue then to say something that you 'll regret.

So for those of you that think this is easy, I DARE you to give it a try.

I am not the world's most patient person. In fact my temper runs Hot, like flowing lava under my skin. (I really do not like this about myself. Not one little bit, in fact I would say this is my number 1 thing that I dislike most about myself. ) Making this exercise in patience extremely dificult for little ol' me.

But here is the thing. When you are aware of something and are making an effort to change this behavior It is amazing the things you notice. For instance, I noticed that the first day I was trying sooooo hard to be patient. But I kept loosing my cool and as i would loose my cool I would think "OH CRAP" thank God that tomorrow is another day.
The 2nd say was easier and I almost made it .... Um I lost it with Sara of all people. She is such an easy child........ Figures. (God was really testing me.) I Got a Big Fat F that day. Day 3 was even easier. I found myself thinking about being patient and really making an effort to do so. I kept thinking what a much better example that I was going to be to my very impressionable children. By this day my husband had noticed me trying so hard to make an effort. I did loose my patience at the end of the day. As it was occurring I stopped myself and took a long deep breath. So in all honesty I had to go another day. I had to do an entire day of being a patient person. And so that brings me to this moment. YAY! Praise The Lord. I did it.

I did notice that the noise level in our home went down. Here is what I also learned. You can not I repeat, YOU CAN NOT change someone but, you can change yourself to be what you want others to be, they will follow.

Lead by example.

I dare you.

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Anonymous said...

wow Amy, you never cease to amaze me! What a great page you ahve here. I have been avoiding Day 1...which is silly because I know from doing this before that it is oneof the easiest days! We cando this together. God put us in each other's lives for a reason...we can uplift each other and make it through side by side!! I love you girl!

Amy said...

Day one is the easiest??? Don't tell me that. That was HARD!

I love you to Rhea! You are very dear to me! Side by Side! You Got it!

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